
Chaos With

Fuck you

Fuck rules

Fuck authority

Fuck parents

Fuck animals

Fuck agriculture

Fuck life

Fuck suicidal people

Fuck depressed people

Fuck happy people

Fuck me? Eh, worth a shot.

Fuck food

Fuck anorexics

Fuck bulemics

Fuck fat people

Fuck skinny people

Fuck nerds

Fuck jocks

Fuck cowboys

Fuck goths

Fuck grungers

Fuck preps

Fuck punks

Fuck the alphabet

Fuck gangsters

Fuck hicks

Fuck peppy people

Fuck Canadians

Fuck Mexicans

Fuck Arabs

Fuck you. Yeah, I said it already. So what?

Fuck TV

Fuck consumerism

Fuck commercialism

Fuck bathing. I quit

Fuck sex

Fuck grindcore

Fuck Metal

Fuck music

Fuck lesbians

Fuck gay guys

Fuck bisexuals

All of the above actually want you to.

Go ahead.

Have at it, dumbass.

Fuck people that try to get attention through music.