Life Immortal


Meanningless life before death, with your sensuality everyday we sailed.Have

you ever felt my end, can you stop for fight inside, are you living for

nothing, can you stop the lying man inside?Everyday is lost for anything to

get, everything is called for us in death, always something we tried to get

and always wanted to be something we are rot..Something we had has gone.

Inside but something we have immortal behind.Rathless minds affected by

sadistic rules; safty is lost, falsety is lust.Infurlated hybrophobics, know

your end, remember your inprisonation implicitly.Your claustrophobic

miserable souls fly illogically, imbectily, immortally in an immensive

vacansy.Ethically sad but drawned with a pad; blinded blotted by a bloody

qualm.Radical tormentors are tremulous in life, treason to your country,

transfix your people. You'll be vanquished at the end.Your yearned end is

submission to us subconscously you are succumbed.Suicide!..