To Serve Man

Cattle Decapitation

We have arrived to infest and thrive

Upon billions of lives with forks and spoons and knives

Repugnant, yet we'll live on your sustenance

Preserve the living-dispose of the dead and diseased

Mortals wined and dined-led to the firing line

As throats are slit-troughs overflow as they bleed

To return what was

Before Eve and Adam

Babylon and Sodom

The trampling foot of man

Men, women and children shall be strung

Sliced from hands to feet

Innards save for a tasty treat and beaten profusely to tenderize the meat

AAAAAHHHHH! The stench of the populace!

Millions of humans hung upon hooks

Suspended in deep freeze

Subzero, sterile environment keeps meat tender and lean

Choice cuts from the slaughter-

Husband, mother, daughter

Dead families kept together

Their hides made into leather

Surprisingly, multiple uses for something so useless

We come in peace--you go in pieces

AAAAAHHHHHH! The stench of the populace!


Your gluttonous repugnancy--a delightful delicacy

Crepitus and malignancy now part of the recipe

Harshness and voracity

Ingredients of my delivery

To serve the public

The helpless frozen subjects

Dinner is prepared.

To serve man.