The Principals And Practices Of Embalming


Wanted to be the first technician on a cranial autopsy

The principles and practice of embalming

Examination of all the head and before the incision

Cavities might allow

Blood to escape through the veins causing change

To the original condition of the brain

An incision, is first made through,

the scalp flaps and in line with the skull,

a double V shaped, cut is then made,

by sawing through, the bones of the skull

Open the skull

Dura is spilt

The brain is removed

For examination

By cutting it loose

With a long bladed knife

Tightly ligate

The ends of the veins

Drill a small hole

Through the back of the skull

Puncture the scalp

Insert through this hole

A section of tubing

To be used as a drain

Hold this in place

With a safety pin inside the:

Since it is physically imposible

To prevent all leakage in to the skull

We have developed a procedure which eliminate problems

If offers the hope that, what was required to fix the head is gone

There's no frustration to show our work once it's strengthened

Drill and wire the calvarium to the skull on both sides

Twist the wires tightly so the skull will be unable to slip

No autopsy may be made unless authority has been secured

Coroner may order an autopsy to seek cause of death

Or if the causeof his death is not yet apparent

An incision, is first made through,

the scalp flaps and in line with the skull,

a double V shaped, cut is then made,

by sawing through, the bones of the skull.