The Great Celtiberia


This is the land.

The land of our ancestors.

The fire of our hearts...

The great Celtiberia

Another were the glorious times of the pagan splendour.

Two great villages: The mighty Celtics and the sage Iberians

Swords and shields united with the same finality...

To defend the territory of the invader.

At the heart of the forest

The pagan men congregate.

The union of clans will be the sign of fraternity

Reverence and union of the clans

A great kingdom is born of Celtics and Iberians

The great Celtiberia is borned of two great villages

We'll guard from our fortified castors

In the high up of the watch tower.

The concord will prevail,

The accord will determine at the Holy Teseras.

We'll guide us under the sky and stars

Preserving the cult to the millenary idols.

Woods and mountains will be our hut,

none culture will be stronger than ours.

We are La Tene?s sons

When the new race forged.

We are in carry of the banner of hate

Which will endure for ever and ever

Our race doesn't set back.

Death better to fall in the invader's presence.

This is the land.

The land of our ancestors.

The fire of our hearts...

The great Celtiberia