Burning flies
I'm quite happy burnin' flies
I'm quite happy burnin' flies
They went to fly a kite
They took a case of beer
They asked if I would come
But I'll be alright here
I'm quite happy burnin' flies
I'm quite happy burnin' flies
I don't need fancy things
I don't watch much TV
And while they fly the kite
Don't feel bad for me
I'm quite happy burnin' flies
I'm quite happy burnin' flies
Karla Valdarama on the beach at Balmaha with a disposable cigarette lighter
Karla Valadarama underneath a tree
Burning flies
I'm quite happy, I'm quite happy
I'm quite happy, I'm quite happy
I'm quite happy burning flies
I'm quite happy burning flies
I'm quite happy burning flies
I'm quite happy burning flies
Die, little flies