
Bel Canto

Send me a message,

Escort me through the passage

Into the dark side of life,

Let me slip into the eternity

I sense a light, a cave so bright

Oh, what a trauma,

Release me from this coma

Why won't they let me escape?

Drip, drip, intravenous emergency,

And so in vain

The heal the stains and wounds on my body

So torn apart and bloody,

I do not wish to return

I don't wanna be one of the crippled ones

Do hear my prayer,

Don't fade away

Send me a message,

Escort me through the passage

All I need is a sign

Skip over this emergency

Forgive my sins, don't force me in

To live like a phantom

Still, this is nothing random

I'm meant to suffer and wait

But one minute more and it might be too late

So give a sign, I'm losing time