Asleep In Perfection

Augie March

Over the airwaves tonight,

Sailing by a love lonely light,

Isn't it blue, but isn't it brighter

Than the pilot of a domestic flight

Well under this low, lonely light

I might be still in sight,

You were a girl, now you're a wife

Do not these memories stir you

From your long and peaceful night's

Sleep in perfection

Asleep in Perfection

A soul's misdirection, directed at you.

Waiting for Summer to come,

Will you wear a rainbow on

And outside your window something grows

In your garden, is it content

Well that's not what I need tonight,

Maybe I don't think right,

Or maybe I lack that insight

And only the numb or the peaceful might

Sleep in perfection,

Asleep in Perfection

A soul's misdirection directed at you.

Over the airwaves tonight,

Sailing by a love lonely light,

Isn't it blue, or is it the sight of you

Set to fall

Asleep in Perfection