

Today is the day we go our separate way

No longer will I carry twice the weight

It's time to cut you loose

You won't drag me down this time

Misery loves company

Your invitation I decline

I watch you sink in the quicksand

But you refuse to extend your hand

You've been crying wolf for years

Now I see the wolf is you

Am I a victim or a volunteer

You prey on me, still I pray for you

Some people never change

I don't believe you will

I don't intend to wait

For snow to fall in hell

You took my charity for granted you took advantage of my trust

I guess I should've seen it coming

I let my guard down and you struck

Forget you ever knew my name

Ask this of me and I will do the same

There's nothing more to say

Your silence says it all

You best be on your way

Just remember not to call

And remember to forget the brother you never had

I am not my brother's keeper!