Ballad Of The Skeletons

Allen Ginsberg

Said the Presidential Skeleton

I won't sign the bill

Said the Speaker skeleton

Yes you will

Said the Representative Skeleton

I object

Said the Supreme Court skeleton

Whaddya expect

Said the Miltary skeleton

Buy Star Bombs

Said the Upperclass Skeleton

Starve unmarried moms

Said the Yahoo Skeleton

Stop dirty art

Said the Right Wing skeleton

Forget about yr heart

Said the Gnostic Skeleton

The Human Form's divine

Said the Moral Majority skeleton

No it's not it's mine

Said the Buddha Skeleton

Compassion is wealth

Said the Corporate skeleton

It's bad for your health

Said the Old Christ skeleton

Care for the Poor

Said the Son of God skeleton

AIDS needs cure

Said the Homophobe skeleton

Gay folk suck

Said the Heritage Policy skeleton

Blacks're outa luck

Said the Macho skeleton

Women in their place

Said the Fundamentalist skeleton

Increase human race

Said the Right-to-Life skeleton

Foetus has a soul

Said Pro Choice skeleton

Shove it up your hole

Said the Downsized skeleton

Robots got my job

Said the Tough-on-Crime skeleton

Tear gas the mob

Said the Governor skeleton

Cut school lunch

Said the Mayor skeleton

Eat the budget crunch

Said the Neo Conservative skeleton

Homeless off the street!

Said the Free Market skeleton

Use 'em up for meat

Said the Think Tank skeleton

Free Market's the way

Said the Saving & Loan skeleton

Make the State pay

Said the Chrysler skeleton

Pay for you & me

Said the Nuke Power skeleton

& me & me & me

Said the Ecologic skeleton

Keep Skies blue

Said the Multinational skeleton

What's it worth to you?

Said the NAFTA skeleton

Get rich, Free Trade,

Said the Maquiladora skeleton

Sweat shops, low paid