Slaying The Lambs


i walk the landscape

as a newborn plague

i see the land infested

by gods holy worms

scattered around they lie

christ's soldiers

untameable flames rage

over distant horizons

shades roar across the crimson sky

demons - seeking their prey

christ's lambs

ash - death - fire - chaos

see the murdered children

their faith in christ

being crushed by darkness

natures truth

mortals and nightmares

blood and bones

flames and corpses

the world burning

in a merciless godless mayhem

piles of corpses

monument of war

thrilled by the stench

of christian blood

mother earths men march

the power of darkness

glows in their blackened eyes

the lies of christianity

shall no longer be heard

not ever again

shall our world be branded

by lies

ash - death - fire - chaos

see the murdered children

their faith in christ

being crushed by darkness

natures truth