Digital Goat Masque


Unity of black souls,

Speech from talent

Shell the shadow slower,

Returns the avatar

Prepared for a long time,

Since the sinking began

The God hates the religion,

Satan hates the God

The meanings are going fast

As the time is passing by

No one can see the story

The source of knowledge is hidden.

Meditation on ecstasy

I worship the knowledge,

(behind) the digital goat masque

All are a part of the path which is

Shifting from life

to join the digital Goat

Forgotten aristocratics

Reborn by the black bible

Standing for the supreme joy

Of ecstatic ocean of the goat

Its not by the chosen blood,

Its not by the religion

It comes, it seeds inside,

It comes from deep inside

The haunting black spells,

of them once become heard

The eternal joy and pleasure

will be their final fair

Recreation comes true,

As the battle had been done

And when the orgasm is over

there is nothing, nothing left

Only the pure empty space,

Silence of all sounds

Surrounded by a dark industry

a forgotten sound factory