We Are All Self Made

Fearless Motivation

Earl Nightingale said, "We are all self-made
But only the successful will admit it"
What does it mean?It means all of us are products of our own choices
Circumstances only define you if you let them
Those who succeed in life
Choose to accept responsibility for where they are
Even if that place is not somewhere they want to stay
Especially if that place is not somewhere they want to stay

You are where you are because of your decisions
If you don′t like where you are, you must take better actions
Every choice you have made throughout your life
Has led you right here, where you are now
Do you like where you are now?
Can you go further?
Think of your body, exactly as it is right now
Your body is a reflection of the level of discipline in your diet
And the level of hard work you've put into your exercise

Whether you like the reflection, or not, it′s self-made
Think of your current financial position
This is also a reflection of your choices
The choice to invest your time
You can either invest your spare time to educate yourself
Or to party, drink, or watch TV
They are all choices you make
Whether you like the reflection or not
It's self-made

Your boss won't give you a pay raise?
Don′t like your job? Got laid off?
Is it your boss′ fault that you haven't got a second income?
Is it the government′s fault
That you haven't spent any time in self education?
No, they were your choices
Sure, people do you wrong, things go wrong
But what you do after all of that defines you, not the event, or person
Everyone is self-made, but only those who like where they are will admit it

I want you to hear that again, really think about this
But only those who like where they are will admit it
That is so true, think about it, ′Self made millionaires'
How often do you hear it, ′Self made average?'
Self-made failure? You don't hear it
If you′re strong enough to stand where you don′t want to be
And admit that you're self-made
That is the first step to freedom
The first step towards your new life

A life you′ll be proud to call self-made
There's no reason why you can′t have everything you want
In every area of your life
You want to create the best body of your life? You can
Decide, learn how, commit, set goals and take consistent action
If you want to create multiple sources of income, so that no one, and
No event, can put you in a negative situation again, you can
Decide, learn how, commit, set goals and take consistent action
Whenever you want, you can

Whatever self you want to create, you can
You can be proud or disappointed with the self you create, it's all a choice
You can live with pride or live with regret
Both will be the result of your choices
You are the creator of your own life
Your own freedom, your own destiny
Tell yourself every day, "I am where I am because of my decisions
If I want better results, I must take better actions
I will learn the lessons, I will see the blessings

I will not stop until my goals are realised
When I reach that goal, I will set a bigger goal
I will grow and grow and grow
I accept more responsibility for my results in life
And I challenge myself to become better
Every year, every month, every week, every day, every moment
I am committed, I am determined, I am self-made"
Build some solid foundations
Build strong, take responsibility for every level

Take your time and do it right
It takes time to build a masterpiece
So stick at it, this is your life we′re talking about
Enjoy the process, and be proud of the new you
If you want to understand the true meaning of self-made success
You must keep going
Whatever has happened in your life
You can either use it as your excuse, or use it as your purpose
Only one of those choices will lead to a positive life

Only one of those choices will lead to a great life
Change your weak choices for strong choices
And you'll be proud of the self you have made
Trade your excuses for responsibility
Trade your inaction for action
Trade your blaming for self-examination
Trade your wasted time for learning time
Change your bad habits
For things that take you one step closer to a life you do want to live

Trade negative influences for positive ones
And until you find them
There's nothing wrong with a long time in self reflection
Trade your social media for self development
Enough talking, it′s time to work
It′s time to let your actions speak for you
Do you want your excuses to die with you?
Or are you going to finally accept where you are and take on the challenge
To claim a life far beyond anything you've lived so far?

You see, successful people have no problem
Accepting that they are the creators of their destiny
They have no problem accepting responsibility when they fail
They just double down on their effort
They find a new way if they need to
They learn the lesson, and they make sure they turn it into a blessing
On the other hand, many people don′t learn the lessons
They don't believe they are self-made
They′ll say things like, "Well, I didn't want to end up here

I worked hard and this happened"
Or, "This person did this to me, that′s why I didn't reach something greater"
No, the story isn't over yet, it′s still being written
And it will be a great one if you take responsibility
And take hold of that pen
Every day is a choice
How you show up every day is a choice
You can use events as excuses and let them ruin your life
Or you can use them as motivation, and strengthen your life

What do you choose?
Strong people are strong because they′ve been through pain
But rather than be defeated by it, they used it
Use your pain as fuel to drive you forward
Stand up to the challenges and push past them
Whatever has happened is gone now
It can either serve you, or stop you
You decide
You decide what every event means

Will it make you stronger?
Will it add to your character?
Will you set a strong example of perseverance?
Of someone who let nothing stop them from reaching a great life
A deserved great life
I am where I am because of my decisions
If I want better results, I must take better actions
I will learn the lessons, I will see the blessings
I will not stop until my goals are realised

When I reach that goal, I will set a bigger goal
I will grow and grow and grow
I accept full responsibility for my results in life
And I challenge myself to become better
Every year, every month, every week, every day, every moment
I am committed, I am determined, I am self-made