Morning Motivation (Set Your Life up to Win)

Fearless Motivation

Every morning when your feet hit the floor, tell yourself: "Today is the day"
Today is the day I will be at my peak
Today is the day I will set my life up to winSet my future up for success
Today is the day I plant seeds that will grow into greatness in my future
Today I will give my all
Every minute
Every moment
With everyone I encounter
To live a great life, you gotta get your mornings right

Don′t just wonder out of bed and throw yourself aimlessly into the drama of this world
Set your foundation for a strong day which will lead to better habits, and in time a better life
Get up with purpose and develop a routine that works for you
Get your body moving
Create a habit that builds a strong body and a strong mind
Be grateful!
Spend at least a few minutes in appreciation for all the things you do have and for all the opportunities that are coming your way today

Thank you!
Thank you for this day
Thank you I am alive
Thank you I am healthy
Thank you for my family
Thank you for my drive, my passion
Thank you for the opportunities coming my way today
I am ready!

Set your goals and intentions for the day
No one will reach their most sought after destination if they don't know where that place is
What are you going to accomplish today?
What miracles are you going to create today?
Write them down
Believe you can do it and get to work

Start your day with power and intention and you will live your life with strength and direction

This is my day!
I control how I react to everything today
Today I will plant seeds for my future
Today I am alive
Today I am grateful
Today I look for the good
Today I notice opportunities
Today I execute

Visualize what you want from this day
Believe great things are coming
Clear your mind of negativity
This is your day!
Set your life up to win

How you start your day often determines how you live your day
How you start your day determines your future
How you start your days, consistently, determines the quality of your life
You must set up a morning routine that gets you in a strong, positive mind frame
Ready for anything this day will throw our way

Ask yourself the most important questions of all: "If today were my last day on this earth, how do I want to live it?"
What example will I set?
How will I treat others?
Do not let your dreams go up in smoke
You have opportunity this day, to make it your greatest day ever
Even if nothing comes this day
Your attitude will be better than any other day
And that alone will lead to great things
You just keep doing that every day
Growing, evolving, giving your all and you will achieve great things
I guarantee you!

The best day of your life
That day is today!
Today is your chance to become who you were designed to become
To do better
To be better
Today will be the greatest day of my life!
Today I am on purpose!

Show me a successful person that aimlessly gets out of bed wonders out into the crazy world and succeeds at a high level
They don′t exist
Get yourself together in the morning
Get up early
There's a reason so many people get up earlier than the rest
No one can bother them
The early hours of the morning are the best time to think without distraction
To create, to set goals and to clear your mind of any doubt or negativity
Do what works for you

Just build a strong foundation early in the morning
A strong foundation that will lead to a strong life

The first thing I do when I get up each morning is day thank you
Nothing in this world will get you in a stronger, clearer state of mind than starting your day with gratitude
Gratitude is not for every now and then, it's for every single day
Gratitude is not for weirdos
It′s for Winners

Successful people are grateful people
Stay away from social media and news
There′s plenty of time to fry your brain for the rest of the day
The morning is time to clear your mind of crap and power it up with positive powerful thoughts
If it works for you, get in some affirmations
Develop the mindset and belief of a winner
Stand like you already have it
Believe you will get it
Know that it will come if you keep working toward it, if you keep finding out how you can get it

Prepare your meals for the day
Your body is your temple
Don't get stuck and have to feed it garbage
Your temple deserves solid foundations

Strong food - strong body
Strong body - strong mind
Strong mind - strong human

Today will be the greatest day of my life!
Today I am on purpose!
Those who live great lives know the power of the morning
The power of creating strong habits in the morning
A morning routine that will set you up for an unbreakable day