Believe (Motivational Speech)

Fearless Motivation

Why is it we don′t believe it ourselves?
Why is it that as soon as things get tough in our lives
We start doubting ourselvesWe start thinking that we may not make it through
Stressing worrying imagining things that may go wrong in the future

I'll tell you the human mind is powerful, but it can also be Destructive
It can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy

The person you see reflecting in the mirror
Will always provide you your greatest challenges in life

Take control of your life
Control of your mind

Conquer yourself and you can conquer anything in this world

Yeah it′s easy to be positive when everything is going your way
But are you going to be one of the very few who Stand Up when things are tough,
When everything is going against you
That's when you must show yourself
That's when your character will shine through
That′s when your story will be born
Your story of success

You ain′t building no Story if you give up
The world is full of people who gave up
The World Needs Hope
The world needs you to Stand Up
To fight through your challenging moments
To Shine through the darkness

Belive In Yourself
There Is Nothing More Important
Stay Hungry
Hungry for success
Hungry For More

Most people are bloated with ordinary
They are full of average
Have an appetite for Extra-Ordinary
There Will Always be Doubters
But if You Stay True to Yourself and Believe
Then one day will be your moment

Remember, anything is possible if you believe
Keep your dreams alive
Understand that in order for you to have anything of great value you must suffer and endure

You Are Destined For Success

One Day This World Will Tap You On the Shoulder and Whisper "It's your time to shine"