Native People

Martin O'Malley

To the purple hills of Scotland,
Came the greed for greater land,
To cleanse the glens of highland men,
to destroy the Scottish clans.
And their cannons cut the broadswords down,
Like bloody stalks of grain.
Turned refugees 'to exiles,
Made colonists from the pain of...

Chorus: Native people--
with your native tongue and ways,
Native people-- driven from your home
by another master's slaves.
Native people, robbed of dignity,
Try to understand
The cruelty and the misery brought by a
stranger's hand to Native people.

On the heels of Irish loss,
The Scottish planterscame.
Loyal and desperate subjects,
to replace old Irish names.
And with starvation, sword and gun,
They'd put the natives down.
In the name of their oppressor's queen,
They'd rid the holy ground of...
Apache, Sioux, and Nez Perce,
Their fate would be the same,
As Celtic exiles soon became
The conquerors of the plains.
And Irish soldiers dressed in blue,
Dragged the Indian from his home.
Wiping out whole villages,
To strains of Garryowen and the screams of ...
From Culodden Moor to Aughrim,
From theFamine to Wounded Knee,
Native people soon forget their commonality.
And the father of the gallowglass,
The chieftain and the brave,
Cries lonely tears of anger,
As he stands beside the graves of...