We Don't Know How Lucky We Are

Fred Dagg

I was speaking to a mate of mine just the other day

A guy called Bruce Bayliss actually who lives up our way

He's been living in Europe for the year, more or less

I said "How was Europe, Bruce?"

He says "Fred, it's a mess"

We don't know how lucky we are, mate

We don't know how lucky we are

I was down the Plough and Chequebook the night before last

There's a guy down there on the floor with his brain at half-mast

I said "You're looking really bad mate your eyes look like strings"

He says "Get me an eight will you please I can't see a thing"

We don't know how lucky we are, mate

We don't know how lucky we are

Me stock agent's got a beach place where he spends most of his days

His wife bit the dust down there last year got eaten by a couple of crays

And his two littlest daughters got killed by a whale

I said "Are you going down there this year mate?"

He says "Fred, right on the nail"

"We don't know how fortunate we are to have that place

We don't know how propitious are the circumstances Frederick"

So if things are looking really bad and you're thinking of givin' it away

Remember New Zealand's a cracker and I reckon come what may

If things get appallingly bad and we all get atrociously poor

If we stand in the queue with our hats on we can borrow a few million more

We don't know how lucky we are, mate

We don't know how lucky we are

We don't know how lucky we are, mate

We don't know how lucky we are