Nothings Perminate


Take a walk with me

Put your shoes on tie your laces tightly

I'm bout to take you on a trip through my darkest rein

My eyes are scard from the images of agony

I see in these streets when these streets be surrounding me

Sumtimes I feel like I'm dying on the inside n' I'm livin on the out

But the liviness was killin me

My brain is slightly twisted, from all the peices missin

I feel my heart is just a box full with paper wishes

So I shut it out and leave it there it do its front to pump hate to mah head n' to my toes n' all through out

Till I fill with rage and cannot go another day when somebody says sumthing crazy and don't catch one up in their face

Those days are over now, those days are over now

You wanna talk you'll get shot tha punk for lettin you down

Please believe me friend because you are not perminate

And if you don't believe me then I'll scrunch you with these hallow hands


Nothins perminate, you cud feel it in your heart when your heart stops beatin' n' your lung stops breathin

Nothins perminate, please believe me wen I say it, if it wasn't a true fact then I wouldn't be sayin

Nothins perminate, you can feel it in ur brain when your vein starts poppin n' the gun starts poppin

Nothins perminate, please believe me wen I say it, if it wasn't a true fact then I wouldn't be sayin it

So you think your tuff, well let me call ye bluff

I'll start now

You can tell me wen we've had enough

You claim your from tha streets, you claim you share mah pain

So why does it feel as if the same amount is hurtin' me

My hearts been shot n' stabbed, n' it's been broken bad

So you cannot possibly feel the pain I have

You are not part of me, were not even family

No relation whats so ever, so you don't connect with me

Its not the first time, but it is tha last time

Cuz' next time your gunna see the wrongin' of this long line

I gaurantee that if you try to fuck with me, I'll show you just ho