I've Seen It All

Bjork Featuring Thom Yorke


I've seen it all

I have seen the trees

I have seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze


I've seen a man killed by his best friend

And lives that were over before they were spent

Thom & Bjork

I've seen what I was and I know what I'll be

I've seen it all there is no more to see


You haven't seen elephants, kings or Peru


I'm happy to say I had better to do


What about China? Have you seen the Great Wall?


All walls are great if the roof doesn't fall

The man you will marry, the home you will share


To be honest, I really don't care



You've never been to Niagara Falls?


I have seen water

It's water, that's all


The Eiffel Tower

And the Empire State


What else was a sigh

and what ails the state


Your grandson's hand

As he plays with your hair


To be honest, I really don't care

Thom & Bjork

I've seen it all

I've seen the dark

I've seen the brightness in one little spark

I've seen what I choose and I've seen what I need

And that is enough

To want more would be greed

I've seen what I was and I know what I'll be

I've seen it all there is no more to see


You've seen it all and all you have seen

You can always review on your own little screen

The light and the dark the big and the small

Just keep in mind you need no more at all

Thom & Bjork

You've seen what you were and know what you'll be

You've seen it all there is no more to see