Lirik Lagu Terlengkap di Indonesia

Lirik Lagu Terlengkap di Indonesia
# Artis Lagu
49651 Seventeen

Terjemahan Good to Me Bahasa Inggris

49652 SHANTY


49653 Billie Holiday

This Is Heaven To Me

49654 Binary Star

Water World

49655 Bing Crosby

Far Away Places

49656 Billy Joel


49657 Shamila Cahya

Kamu Mah Maunya Enak

49658 Shanty Pengek

Di Situ Aku Gak Sukanya

49659 Seventeen

Terjemahan Home Bahasa Inggris

49660 Bing Crosby

Feudin And Fightin

49661 Seventeen

Terjemahan Hug Bahasa Inggris

49662 SHANTY

Mencari Cinta Sejati

49663 Bing Crosby & Johnny Mercer

Small Fry

49664 Billy Joel

Streetlife Serenader

49665 Seventeen

Terjemahan Shhh Bahasa Inggris

49666 Bing Crosby & Sue Thompson

Jealous Heart

49667 SHANTY

Oh Kasih

49668 Seventeen

Thank You For Being Born dan Terjemahan

49669 Bing Crosby

Fine Romance

49670 Billie Holiday

This Year's Kisses

49671 Shaun Halim

Tikungan Hati

49672 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters

Accentuate The Positive

49673 Seventeen


49674 Bing Crosby

Galway Bay

49675 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters

Along The Navajo Trail

49676 Billy Joel

Summer, Highland Falls

49677 Seventeen

Thinkin' About You dan Terjemahan

49678 SHANTY

Persembahan Dari Hati

49679 Bing Crosby With Carmen Cavallaro

I Cant Begin To Tell You

49680 Seventeen

To You (Terjemahan)

49681 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters

Dont Fence Me In

49682 Bing Crosby

Ghost Of A Chance

49683 Billie Holiday

Time On My Hands

49684 Shaxied

Kisah Cinta

49685 SHANTY

Sampai Matiku

49686 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters

Is You Is Or Is You Aint Ma Baby

49687 Seventeen


49688 Bing Crosby

Go Fly A Kite

49689 Seventeen

Together dan Terjemahan

49690 Billie Holiday

Too Marvelous For Words

49691 Billy Joel


49692 Bing Crosby With Guy Lombardo

Youre Getting To Be A Habit With Me

49693 Bing Crosby

Happy Holidays

49694 Seventeen

TRAUMA Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia

49695 SHANTY

Selamat Tinggal Selamanya

49696 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters

Pistol Packin Mama

49697 Shamila Cahya

Pacar Temanku

49698 Seventeen

Untuk Mencintaimu

49699 Bing Crosby

I Found A Million Dollar Baby

49700 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters

South America Take It Away

Semua Lagu