Lirik Lagu Terlengkap di Indonesia

Lirik Lagu Terlengkap di Indonesia
# Artis Lagu
19051 Ancient Ceremony

Choir Of Immortal Queens

19052 Anastacia

Yo' Trippin'

19053 Amy Grant

Lover Of My Soul

19054 Ermy Kulit

Di Dadaku Ada Kamu

19055 Erie Suzan


19056 Ancient Ceremony

Creeping Death [metallica]

19057 Ancient

The Cainian Chronicle Pt. 1: The Curse

19058 Ermy Kulit

Langkahku Dan Langkahmu

19059 Ancient Ceremony

Crowned Child

19060 Erie Suzan

Minta Kawin

19061 Ermy Kulit


19062 Ancient

The Cainian Chronicle Pt. 2: Lilith's Embrac

19063 Ancient Ceremony

Death In Desire's Masquerade

19064 Ermy Kulit

Senja Di Batas Kota

19065 Anastacia

You'll Never Be Alone

19066 Erie Suzan

Muara Kasih Bunda

19067 Ancient

The Call Of The Absu Deep

19068 Ermy Kulit


19069 Ancient Ceremony

Deorum Contemptor

19070 Ancient

The Draining

19071 Amy Grant

Lucky One

19072 Erie Suzan

Radio Dangdut

19073 Ermy Kulit


19074 Ancient

The Emerald Tablet

19075 Ancient Ceremony

Dulcet Seduction

19076 Ancient Drive

Black Orgies

19077 Erie Suzan

Sabda Cinta

19078 Ermy Kullit


19079 Ancient

The Heritage

19080 Ancient Drive

Blood-red Claws

19081 Ancient Ceremony

Eternal Goddess

19082 Erie Suzan

Semoga Kau Setia (SKS)

19083 Ermy Kullit


19084 Ancient

The Pagan Cycle

19085 Amy Grant

Lucky Oneag

19086 Erie Suzan

Senandung Rindu

19087 Ancient Ceremony

Ex Insula Angelorum

19088 Ancient Drive

Carnal Perversion

19089 Ancient

The Witch

19090 Ancient Drive

Death Embraces Her

19091 Ancient

Trumps Of An Archangel

19092 Ancient Ceremony

Exodus, 10; 28

19093 Ancient Drive

First And Last And Always

19094 Ancient Drive

Karpathian Whore

19095 Erie Suzan

Tak Dapat Menunggu

19096 Ancient

Um Sonho Psycodelico

19097 Ancient Ceremony

Forbidden Fruit Sapientia

19098 Amy Grant

Missing You

19099 Erie Suzan

Tak Tik

19100 Erni AB

Janda Lagi

Semua Lagu