
Sage Francis

It was the (beatboxing) that got me (beatboxing)

It was the (beatboxing) break (beatboxing)

Deflate cuz I was gassed

head over heals in love with the electric drums

and spoken vocals which was the joke of locals

and laughing stock of my rock and roll ass town

but the rhythmic acupuncture pierced my skin

pinning the butterflies to my stomach

which would flutter everytime I heard the (beatboxing)

more than the (beatboxing)


higher level interpreter

I refuse to lose focus and recite satanic verses

with (????) curses

drug induced worst I know they were saying

kill your mother cuz it paid them well

yet it my flashback I see the foreshadow

ironic twist my first purchase was a hip hop record

called raising hell

I should have run when I had the chance but DMC's

made be wanna breakdance, made me wanna spin vinyl,

made me wanna graph right, made me want to not act white

and not to perpetuate any stereotype but

I was not about the mullet icehockey haircut

you know the mullet, short on top for the fellas

long in back for the ladies, yea!

I was not about stonewash nuthuggies with the French

rolls on the bottom so tight that it turned my toes purple

nor was I about the ripped jean jacket with the megadeath,

Metallic, and slayer patch

I had an internal itch for the (beatboxing) and never

could I get with () guitar riff, () guitar riff, ()

I had wild style wars, I rented (blue) street every week

as I rocked steady wearing out the play rewind and slow mo

buttons on my VCR

I did the pause-play, pause-play, pause-play, pause-play

all day forcing my wage comprehension of inner city invention for me

was in the expression which would eventually win the exception

(what exception) those around me couldn't give me affection

but I played and paid that video attention till I eventually I

completely bit the (beatboxing)

and found my new religion, born again B-boy, born to destroy

decoys and be the real McCoy, YEA boy!

I wore the clock s