Book Of Shadows

Coven 13

Sitting here by candle light

I listen to the wind

() whisper in my mind

and watch it all begin

Secret places never seen

Stories never told

One by ONe I write them down

Here within my book of shadows

Deep inside of the shadows

Dark and Light intertwine

NOw at last I can truely see

When your voice becomes mine

Sanctuary I have found

Within your silent song

Touching every part of me

ANd guiding me along

Melody and harmony

No I can't forget

Everything you shared with me

Written in my book of shadows

Deep inside of the shadows

Dark and light intertwined

Now at last I can truely see

When your voice becomes mine

Light is born from shadow

Shadow born from light

Seeking inspiration

Finding both day and night

Deep inside of the shadows

Dark and light intertwined

Now at last I can truely see

When your voice becomes mine