For Your Comprehension

Aurora Borealis

Inside me anger builds like a blaze from below

Mindlessness causing this that is out of control

Inferior are the thoughts and ideas which you think

For the light at the end of your tunnel is to late

Do not taint the ground in which I walk on

Do not defile, the air in which I intake

For you and your cortege are disillusioned

Disciples of this dreadful epidemic

The intellectual has no meaning, as I lay silently screaming

for those of simplicity to awake and reach for the edge that I take

Looking down up from this tower, I watch those shake and cower

The time shall come and none to soon, when all the frail shall meet their doom

Let the weak play with weak, let the skilled be by skilled

Let the sounds that are clear soak in and be filled,

In the heads and the hearts of the ones that are true

Like the moon in the sky it will surely shine through

Do not taint the ground in which I walk on

Do not defile, the air in which I intake

For you and your cortege are disillusioned

Disciples of this dreadful epidemic