Soldier Of Time

At Vance

Closing your eyes

to discover your mind

raisin your weapons

against the enemys you'll find

crossing your sword

in glorious fights

don't waste a word

as you fight with the knights

graceful they stand

honored they fall

heroes of their land

can't you their call

(from the ) soldiers of time

fightin a battle

with all of the greats

wounded you fall

but it's never too late

stand up and fight

and the victory be'll yours

wrong won't be right

you could be opening the doors

graceful you stand

you'll never fail

hereoe of your land

you've got to survive

You've been a soldier of time

One in a million

Crossing the line

Your star will always shine

Thruout the centuries

To light up the sky

You've been a soldier of time....