New World Order


Your in possession of suppressed knowledge
Letters and death threats
Get the best of usSecrets are collected
Kept hidden from the rest of us
Barely scratch the surface
Cuz the depth is so immense
To understand the significance
You better be prepared honest
It′s a new world order
We nothing more than a test
Cannon fodder and expendable at best
Follow everything I mention
Study every single text
From hermetic tradition to
Metaphysics, alchemists
Esoteric symbolism hidden
There with our vision
They position it in front of us
Scare us into submission
Deception is the agenda
The enemy is the wisdom
We suffer from amnesia
Connected into the system
And they calling this a
New world order
Master of puppets got us
Swinging from a string
And of course
We all are falling into line
Curriculum, Society
Its Warfare of the mind
Water boarded and tortured into compliancy
All In the name of their
New world order
But it's a trap
Tactics tactically orchestrated
And mapped
Coordinated with borders
They′re all created to ward us
Towards the indoctrination of population attack /
Propaganda for the war machine
Automated and active
Sorted by DNA they record it
We caught and captured
Stored in a database
Manipulate all our thoughts
With Entertainment and ads
And we all caught in a trance with it

Alien inventions innovation erased
Everything engraved in the pyramids
Was literally made to explain
7 tablets in the layers of clay
Cuneiform translated
Then later taken away and detained
Adapted over the ages
In fact, it it's just some date changes
Capture imagination
Catch us within the chains hang us
Baptism of flames
All that remains ashes
In the matrix contained and trained
To remain captive in the
New world order
Cords our grey matter
Swallow the red pill
Or get caught up in the same habits
Eventual mental collapse
And the same fabric of space time is
Unravelling as ya travel backwards
Opiate addicts overdose
On over counter caps
Smoking weed to cope with our panic
Hoping it counteracts
Terror alerts and diverted facts
Protected perverted pacts
In governments and churches
Inserted in packs
They backed into positions
To attack civilians
Intimate chats in the back rooms
Where we cannot listen
Welcome to the
New world order
Create the cataclysm collapse
The towers now are out of your vision
We're driven to psychotic decisions
To by product
Delivered in high volume while
While billions still lie missing
Doctors giving prescriptions
To lock us into mind prisons
And this is the hypocrisy
That the lie of Democracy is

The higher honours are provided
To scholars
While they compile knowledge
Students of life won′t find in a college
Depressions the epidemic
The anti depression medicine offered
Isn′t the problem but the by product of it
Psychedelics, insight, knowledge
They tell us we're psychotic
But the tetrahydrocannabinol
Is designed for us
We fight forage and flourish
Inspired to find courage
Sacrifices are amassed
Upon orders all for the
New World Order
Shadow governments with fibre optics
Spy upon us
Try to fire bomb us in offices
And rewiring us
Bio engineer and modify the food supply
Gender identity a threat
Gender equalities′ a lie
Detractors are transported
In black choppers at night
Tax dollars siphoned off
In black ops they deny
Weaponise our lower orbit
On order they still deny
The structures behind the dark side
Of the moon that they hide
Hypnotise to comply
Slip cyanide to the hired gunners
Call it suicide to disguise
Who was behind the carnage
Orchestrate financial crises
And line they pockets
Unmanned drones up in the sky
Flying high above us
It's the New world order
And it′s a virus
Nano technology bots are injected
Inside our bodies
And the very chip imbedded
In credit cards and magnetic strips
Is neurologically interlaced
In a cybernetic mind

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