The Fisherman's Song

Traditional Irish Arr.

A young fella went walking one day by a brook

When he spied a young fisherman

Fishin' with his hook

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

Says he to the fisherman, fisherman says he

Have ya got a bit of fish

For to take home to tea

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

Oh no says the fisherman, the fish is very bad

I've been fishing all day

And I only caught a crab

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

So he tied a piece of string around the crabs back bone

Threw 'em across his shoulder

And he fucked off home

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

Well he couldn't find a pot, and he couldn't find a dish

So they threw him in the potty

Where the maid use to piss

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

At twelve o'clock, in the middle of the night

Sure the maid got up

For to have a read and write

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

Well she sat down and she began to grunt

And sure up came the crab

And caught her by the “holy be to Jesus!!!”

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

So she got a hook and he got a broom

And they bet the poor fucker

All around the room

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

Sure they bet him in the head and they bet him in the sides

And they bet him in the goolies

'til the poor whore died

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

If your ever getting' married sure get married to a cook

If she can't use a broom

She can swing a fuckin' hook

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

There's a moral to the story and the moral is this

Always have a look

Before you have a piss

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

That's the end of the story, if you wanna hear more

Stick an apple up me arse

And ………….. can have the core

Going home

Da de dum…Da de day

Da de dum…Da de day